second in the anniversary countdown series! the first weekend in february was the district choir festival. i blew the auditions. dang, makes me wish i didn't skip out on regionals last year. but then again, i wouldn't have the trading spaces painting smock i'm wearing today. (long story.)
this list comes from molly, and gets partial inspiration from mr. pearce. his number one rule for us coming into the event... is number two on our list.
25 rules for district choirby molly1. Don’t embarrass the choir students
2. Don’t embarrass Mr. Pearce
3. Don’t drink the kool-aid
4. Don’t eat the taco meat
5. Don’t eat the Life cereal
6. If you eat nothing else, eat the cafeteria dessert
7. No spooning of the Pepto Bismol
8. Don’t get hooked on Hoss’s sugar cookies
9. When in doubt, “I like pudding.”
10. Keep a safe distance from a certain soprano
(in all fairness, i'm editing out the name... but you know who it is.)11. Have some singing talent (sorry Joe)
12. Play thumb war during nap time
13. Get in line first for the cookie snack break, or else you won’t enjoy the fruits
14. Be aware of Trogdor and his woven-roof cottages
15. A white mysterious orb floating next to someone’s head always signifies the choir Messiah
16. Worship the spoon king and pay homage to him by presenting sporks
17. Don’t throw up at your host family’s house
18. If you do throw up, within 5 minutes of the act, stuff yourself into a friend’s oversized suitcase and take many pictures
19. Always use very vocabulated speech
20. After waking up in the morning, play a little Chinese fire-drill with your roommate
21. Wear the taco shirts
22. Hang out in groups of taco shirt wearers
23. Start branch taco clubs at other schools
24. Don’t out-sing your neighbor, wait for them to out-sing themselves
25. Wash your pillow so it doesn’t smell like dead skin cells
questions? comments? insults? lists or ideas for lists? foosball table? send them all to!