its the new year celebration of the millenium.
or lack thereof.

dont get me wrong, new years can be really exciting... if you arent thinking about it. last year, i had a completely random get-together that coincided with new years eve (it was not planned, it just happened that way), and it totally rocked. at one point i looked at my watch and announced "hey everyone, five minutes til the new year... who cares?" then we started up the next round of catch phrase and completely ignored midnight.

but enough of a rant. you want a list, right?

25 new years resolutions for 2005

1. i will not break any of the resolutions i have already mentioned on this list. (see if you put it first, then you're set!)
2. i will do the stuff i didnt do in my "summer to-do" list (not to say that i wont repeat them here again as separate items)
3. im gonnawrite a list at least once a week. maybe twice if i can get more free time.
4. i will get my drivers license. well, junior license, however you want to call it.
5. i will start the rebellion against using fake candles for the candlelight procession of "silent night" at the christmas choir concert.
6. im gonna eat double ramens less. it may be more filling, but its probably not all that healthy. (and sometimes it just makes it taste nastier.)
7. i'm gonna volley for jones soda back in town.
8. im gonna start secret project v4.0. and its gonna whoop butt.
9. im gonna do a few different kinds of lists... text-only is boring. i keep promising all-visual or all-audio, but i think its time to follow up on that.
10. im gonna run the paper route more often.
11. im gonna do the paper route on time more often. (or rather, more on time than i have been.)
12. im gonna start fewer of these with "im gonna". its actually bothering me.
13. i'll draw more. for the heck of it.
14. i havent been to quiznos yet. i know that one was on the summer list.
15. i will continue to count my onion rings. (28, thank you very much.)
16. i will solve at least one new york times weekend crossword puzzle on the calendar, without help.
17. i am going to talk my parents out of tv. i am gonna do it. whether they like it or not.
18. i took a walk along the street tonight. it was night. i think i'll do that more often.
19. im gonna get that ledger up to date.
20. sometime, im gonna do a caching roadtrip. probably after the license.
21. im gonna kill horace mann. what? he's already dead? good. i hope he got what he deserved.
22. i will, by means i have yet to determine, get that brush with fame.
23. im gonna have a conversation with ira glass. a longshot, but it'll work. (note: this, being separate from 22, does not imply that ira glass is not famous. please dont get that impression.)
24. im gonna start (or resume) saving up money. for something. dont know what yet.
25. i will not break any of the resolutions that follow. (kinda like number one.)

qutisons? comments? instules? lists or ideas or lsits/ statements regarding my general inablitiy to type withoug using ht backapsce? send them all to twentyfivethings@hotmail.com!!!
wanna know why? i'll give you 25 good reasons.

02.23.2004 / 02.24.2004 / 03.01.2004 / 03.06.2004 / 03.08.2004 / 03.11.2004 / 03.16.2004 / 03.21.2004 / 03.24.2004 / 03.29.2004 / 03.31.2004 / 04.05.2004 / 04.09.2004 / 04.12.2004 / 04.16.2004 / 04.20.2004 / 04.27.2004 / 05.02.2004 / 05.09.2004 / 05.14.2004 / 05.22.2004 / 06.08.2004 / 06.12.2004 / 06.14.2004 / 06.18.2004 / 06.22.2004 / 06.27.2004 / 07.01.2004 / 07.06.2004 / 07.10.2004 / 07.14.2004 / 07.25.2004 / 08.07.2004 / 08.12.2004 / 08.16.2004 / 08.21.2004 / 08.25.2004 / 09.13.2004 / 09.18.2004 / 09.21.2004 / 09.27.2004 / 11.02.2004 / 11.10.2004 / 11.15.2004 / 11.30.2004 / 12.02.2004 / 12.20.2004 / 12.31.2004 / 01.04.2005 / 01.07.2005 / 02.05.2005 / 02.08.2005 / 02.13.2005 / 02.19.2005 / 02.20.2005 / 02.21.2005 / 02.22.2005 / 02.23.2005 / 03.17.2005 / 04.03.2005 / 04.08.2005 / 04.23.2005 / 05.25.2005 / 06.01.2005 / 06.05.2005 / 06.10.2005 / 06.29.2005 / 07.13.2005 / 07.23.2005 / 08.05.2005 / 08.14.2005 / 10.16.2005 / 10.21.2005 / 10.29.2005 / 11.08.2005 / 12.10.2005 / 12.18.2005 / 01.24.2006 / 02.06.2006 / 02.19.2006 / 02.20.2006 / 02.21.2006 / 02.22.2006 / 02.23.2006 / 03.01.2006 / 03.29.2006 / 04.13.2006 / 05.21.2007 / 06.02.2007 /

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