sorry for the delay, folks... due to certain circumstances, and a freak backpacking incident, updates will be a little slow for a while, prolly until the middle of june. but to help break the streak of nothingness, i will be adding another contributer sometime soon. she's got a list almost ready, and she's just oh so stoked to get it up here. so it's coming. be patient.
but anyway, i had a dream last night. man, was it weird. i've been having a lot of weird dreams lately. heck, i've been having weird dreams all my life. what if i were to make a list out of them...?
25 interesting things to do in a dream
1. go to the president's house (but not the white house...)
2. watch two band members get married
3. have them get married in the band room
4. get your hand bit off my a very large dog
5. get into a small gang fight at the local church
6. have west side story music playing in the background
7. join the mass migration of people from a local play you were in recently
8. migrate across town to an indoor playground
9. make a reference to a video game you've never played to explain your reasoning on something
10. pick up these really weird martial artsy skills out of nowhere... even though they're probably not even martial arts
11. sing the (old) winnie-the-pooh theme song
12. watch as winnie-the-pooh and his friends fall to their doom
13. go spelunking inside the floor of your van for bars of gold
14. almost get stuck in there
15. miss the bus
16. chase it down the street, only to find out it not only that it was the wrong bus, but probably not even a bus at all
17. make cookies with a friend
18. talk to a couple of escalators (that actually talk back!)
19. use a pair of garden hoses as walkie-talkies
20. get pushed by some old lady...
21. ... and wake up actually bouncing in your bed
22. revisit the same location twice, but in different dreams
23. dream that you woke up
24. get into a car wreck and miraculously crawl out from the flipped car
25. get kinda psychic visions... one night i dreamed that i was talking to a friend, and it was snowing, and she said "guess what? no marching band practice! it's snowing!" so i wake up, go to school, it starts snowing, and the girl comes up to me and says "yeah, he didn't cancel marching band practice, even though it's snowing."
questions? comments? insults? ideas for lists? send them all to!