dear prom committee,
hi. a few weeks back (actually, october, i think), you sent a representative around to ask for suggestions for a prom theme. i unfortunately didn't have enough time to fill out the survey form. so i have included a list of potential prom themes that i think you would find most excellent to use, if it's not too late. if it is too late, then you can easily change whatever you had into one of these suggestions if you so choose. thank you for your time.
25 prom theme suggestions1. disco forever
2. the m*a*s*h bash
3. christmas in may
4. strawberry fields forever
5. jailhouse rock
6. a starry night in belgium
7. duct tape nights
8. night of endless nights
9. night night night
10. cabaret
11. las vegas casino
12. sam's pool hall
13. paradise island
14. sandcastle island
15. gullah gullah island
16. august holiday
17. 50 ways to leave your lover
18. cro-magnon hop: a prehistoric adventure
19. teenage wasteland
20. hawaiian volcano bash
21. tetris of russia
22. super bowl XXVII
23. al sharpton's chapel
24. burnt sienna
25. castle in the sky (complete with pirhanna-filled moat)
questions? comments? insults? lists or ideas for lists? the origin of the ampersand? send them all to!