okay... past due again. i was just having a good amount of trouble trying to think up a good list. everything i thought of just didnt work.
hey wait a minute... (*light bulb)
25 lists of 25 i havent posted yet, and why
25 reasons to sing in the choir... literally, all i have on the paper for that one is "1." i figured it would get monotonous after a while. but seriously, you should join choir...
25 things our generation had to tolerate, and thank heavens they're (mostly) over... this would have been fun to write, but painful to read. besides, i only got to number seven. but i'm happy with what i did come up with... well you know, happy that they're over.
25 things i learned from television this one was actually suggested to me by a friend. i got four done, and stopped. dont remember why, though...
25 reasons why i got a blog page... two and a half reasons actually made the list... the other twenty three and a half would have been the same two and a half repeated nine more times. do the math.
25 fun things to do with a bag of marbles, a couple other household items, and a load of boredom... yeah, this one originated in my bedroom, playing with a bag of marbles i got from a friend, and an egg carton. man, i was bored. i got 11 down, but then the ideas ran dry.
25 tips for those starting out in the music world... i completed this list some time ago, but only two or three were funny. so i scrapped it.
25 lists of 25 i wont write... this is ultimately where this list came from. i started making a list of bad lists two write... but i stopped because (1) i ran out of ideas, and (2) some of them actually sounded like decent ideas... 8-11 on this list are four of them from the list.
25 fun things to do while tanning... i wouldnt be able to come up with enough ideas. besides, i dont tan... i burn.
25 fun things to do in a supermarket... probably the only list i'll definitely never do. not because i cant think of anything, but because it's already been done.
25 fun things to do on a school bus... my main fear was that kids would read this and actually try them... but now, it doesnt seem so bad of an idea...
25 ways to make music with your body... uh... no. a little disgusting, and probably tough to describe.
25 interesting things that happened to me today... this was a good list i started... but then i realized, wait, that would make this like a normal blog page... i want to provide the reader with an entertaining article, not a boring rundown of my life.
25 ways to skin a cat... okay, stupid joke. sorry.
25 fun things to do with a frog... this is what happens when you get bored during biology. some of the stuff in that one would just be weird.
from here on out, it's ideas i jotted on a paper for the future... but i lost the list, so it's mostly done from memory.
krammit, where is that paper?
25 trees... this one isnt so much for entertainment as it is a challenge for me... do i even know the names of 25 trees?
25 fun things about cinco de mayo... i really would have done this one, but i missed the day to do it. krammit.
25 words with "k" in it... when was the kodak company founded? i gotta do this one then, just for kicks.
25 weird things about me... dont plan on doing this anytime soon, but there are some weird facts about me out there...
25 pearce quotes... have you ever had one of those teachers that just says the weirdest things at times? once i get 25, i'm posting them!
25 reasons to love tacos... how could you not love tacos?
25 things to hate about shoe shopping... 'nuff said.
25 really weird words... problem is, a friend and i came up with a list of over 300 words... which ones do i really want in the list?
25 nyc photos... if i can get access to a decent scanner, and if i get that webspace thingy, i might do this one sometme soon. you know, just to bore you with more nyc nostalgia.
25 things that are green... another one of those "how-many-can-i-remember" challenges.
25 reasons to be glad that winter's over and it's finally summer... only warren-ites would get that we really dont have spring. we just make a jump over to the dark side.
questions? comments? insults? ideas for lists you'd like to see here? send them all to twentyfivethings@hotmail.com!