well i suppose i should post a list... i have about six in the works right now. and rather unintentionally, i started a thread on a bulletin board that was one of the lists i proposed a while ago... so i'll just be lazy and post all my responses.
25 things on my christmas wish list
or at least the first 25 i listed
1. jones soda
2. a grand piano
3. a decently working gps
4. an upright bass
5. lets get daring... an apology from every teacher who unfairly graded me.
6. a darkroom to develop my own film
7. a working scanner
8. some dress shirts, in colors other than white.
9. carpeting in my room
10. not dialup
11. zap-a-snack pizzas
12. friends (it was self-pity time)
13. happiness
15. lots of hash browns w/ hash brown frying equipment
16. a marshmallow gun
17. a larger bedroom
18. promptness
19. a call from a specific person (i got it since i wrote that)
20. the ability to do stuff really fast
21. tacos
22. more nes games
23. for my cold to GO AWAY
24. peace on earth
25. the death of santa. in a kind way, of course.
qustions? commnts? insults? lists or idas for lists? rd fir trucks? snd thm all to twentyfivethings@hotmail.com!