back at long last, back at long last. went to music camp for a week, and it was good. i decided to try something different for the talent show this year, i read one of my lists from way back when. people liked it, i think, but i don't see a huge future for the oral rendition of lists. but a big hey to the music campers out there reading this!
so then i came back from camp, and i was so excited, i had the motivation to finally work on the all-visual list i had been promising for so long. i experimented with html coding, trying to figure out how to make what go where, and i found that i did a pretty good job with the template that i'd use to make the list extraordinaire. but then yesterday, i found out that the domain where i used to upload all of my files completely disappeared. what's that mean? one, any picture or illustration on here is gone, don't expect them to be fixed for a while. two, don't expect the visual list, or anything fancy-schmancy like pictures or audio for a while.
so yeah, any work i had done between monday and yesterday went to pot, and i was without a clue for a good list. so i'd like to thank joe thomas for saving my butt today by sending me this list. joe recently attended the national boy scout jamboree, and came back with a nice list.
25 Things to Do At Jamboree by joe1. Stand in line.
2. Hold/avoid shower parties.
3. Smear/avoid poo on the walls of the restrooms.
4. Play Magic.
5. Get partials on merit badges.
6. Write 25-lists and stories.
7. Play Jamboball (4-way volleyball).
8. Trade patches (a very fun and large-scale activity, despite how lame it sounds).
9. Participate in cheap courses of BMX and mountain-boarding.
10. See who can get the coolest wreck mountain-boarding (I won, thank you very much!)
11. See who can get instructed by the one of the few good-looking girls at some of the activities.
12. Drink water (Heavens to Betsy, was it hot!)
13. Try and decipher what's being said over the PA (think Charlie Brown teacher).
14. Sell rare patches for outrageous prices.
15. Sweat.
16. Watch your deodorant stick melt in its tube.
17. Try to make sweat-stain patterns in your shirt.
18. Talk about music and movies with the one guy in your troop that can relate on those topics (thank you, Mark Werner!).
19. Sing Queen songs with him.
20. Reminisce about home.
21. Sweat some more.
22. Try to understand the Puerto Ricans when they talk to each other (or, in Burt Ward's case, the Japanese scouts).
23. Count how many times they broadcast over the PA to drink water (if you can understand it).
24. Try to deal with your ailments on your own so you don't have to wait for hours at the medical tent.
25. They provide a bunch of stuff for you to do, with activities, exhibits, concerts, etc. You could go visit those when you're not doing all the rest of this stuff.
questions? comments? insults? lists or ideas for lists? kippers? send them all to!