if there's one thing to look forward to in the summer, it's garage sale time. you can always go out into the neighborhood and find the best stuff for a quarter or two. last weekend was the pleasant days sales, and my street was covered with garage sailors from all over town. this saturday is the north warren sales, so if you live local, check it out, it's worth it and a half. and be sure and check out the north warren presbyterian church, they have a MONDO MASSIVE amount of stuff to sell. help them get rid of it!
okay, couldn't really come up with one flat plotline for this list. i knew i wanted it to be about garage sailing, but i couldn't decide if i wanted "25 tips for" or "25 fun things to do while" or whatever. i couldn't even decide whether to do it for the seller or sailor. so here it all is, thrown at you in one big schlep. good luck.
25 things ____________ garage sailing1. shoot for a personal high/low record of spending in a day
2. try and sell undergarments, see who buys it. (my mother actually bought me boxers once. straight into the trash.)
3. ride your bicycle to every sale
4. perfect the art of the running stop off of your bike. (makes more sense when you see it.)
5. create a moving lemonade stand
6. buy an item at one sale, see if you can "swap" it for an identical item at another sale
7. if you have a paper route, preview all of the sales when you do your route
8. set up a sale full of stuff from oriental trading company
9. leave all the items in their boxes
10. sneeze on an item, then ask if they'll lower the price
11. actually try on the clothes at the sales
12. ask people if they look slimming on you
13. try and sell your invisible pet elephant
14. buy an item at one sale, then try and resell it at your own sale
15. repeatedly come back to one sale, staring at one particular item
16. buy all your geocache containers and stuffers
17. get out early: it seems like all activity stops by one, or so it seems
18. buy a hot dog from whatever group is selling one
19. buy some pepper jam (it's actually pretty good, especially the strawberry-pepper jam)
20. dress up as a chicken and visit sales
21. go to a garage sale and ask how much the garage costs
22. try and coordinate several people at one sale to spontaneously burst into song at the same time
23. have a yard sale in the middle of winter
24. alphabetize the books you're selling
25. resell everything you bought last year and never used
questions? comments? insults? lists or ideas for lists? did this list make sense to anyone? send them all to twentyfivethings@hotmail.com!