okay, so its the big day... or the start of them anyway. if all goes according to plan, i should be cranking out a list everyday for a few days. (why? well, you'll see...)
in honor of teacher appreciation month (which i think was september), i have decided to dedicate a list to one of my favorite teachers, mr pearce. he is a fine choir director, he's helped me with most of my musical endeavours in life, and he was partly responsible for introducing me to geocaching.
and he says funny stuff too.
25 pearce quotes1. "just hold auditions, get another man."
--to a girl having "boy problems"
2. "she's one saucy wench..."
3. "you know how i have that poster of kirby shaw that i say a prayer to ever once in a while? i gotta get me a teena chinn poster."
4. "you know that feeling when you're leaning back in a chair, and you almost feel over backward? it's kinda like that, only backward."
"throwing up?"
--mr pearce, and another student
5. "it's going to feel like speaking whale."
6. "i need to ruminate..."
7. "so groups one and three will be ho-ing at the same time."
8. "no, the answer is peru. columbia is famous for its narcotics."
9. "with a butt this big, i should rent out ad space. (points to butt) coke!"
10. i'll have more pictures for you than a carter has liver pills."
11. "but i wouldnt buy my drugs off of kevin."
12. "okay, time to admit, catharine has more mojo than the rest of us..."
13. "mrs jablonowski will explain the difference to you."
14. "it's like in a soap opera... 'i cant marry you! i'm having someone else's baby!'" (augmented chord on the piano)
15. "if you dont cut that out, im gonna come up there and lay down the hurt!"
16. "wanna learn how to make an impregnated dog?"
17. "under loco parentis, i
am your father."
18. "you dont have to be on a controlled substance to be stupid."
19. "how bad of a day could it be if we have time to sing about a drunken african guy?"
20. "i want you to picture a rubber band, but not a rubber band rubber band..."
21. "if its 2% milk, whats the other 98%?"
22. "you could count the number of days left (until the concert) on one hand,
after you've picked up a landmine."
23. "pop music is like a hamburger. i want a filet mignon."
24. "ladies, i can save you hundreds of dollars on those magazines... the way to turn on any guy is to be breathing."
25. "i just wanna spread the love, thats all."
questions? comments? insults? lists or ideas for lists? whatever i wrote last week? send them all to twentyfivethings@hotmail.com!